East St. Louis, IL

CB&Q Railroad

Estimated GPS Coordinates: 38.633699,-90.162701

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East St. Louis Chicago Burlington and Quincy Roundhouse 1896

Tornado scenes in St. Louis by Chicago Rand, McNally and Co. [1896]

East St. Louis Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Roundhouse Map 1905

Sanborn™ Fire Insurance Map Provided Courtesy of the Library of Congress

East St. Louis Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Roundhouse 1968

USGS Earth Explorer

East St. Louis Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Roundhouse Map 1950

Sanborn™ Fire Insurance Map Provided Courtesy of the Library of Congress

East St. Louis Baltimore and Ohio, Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy, and Louisville and Nashville Roundhouses 1968

Created by David Cantrell using USGS Earth Explorer