1938 Rinard Aerial View
Illinois Historical Aerial Photographs 1938
Keith Township
Wayne County
Northeast corner of Broadway and the railroad
Estimated GPS Coordinates: 38.57059068592042,-88.46340000629425
The origin of the village of Rinard was related to the railroad. The vice-president of the firm approached residents about purchasing oats. An agreement was reached and side track installed. The first depot was a box car. When the railroad building was built in the spring of 1871, it was the second structure in the town. It served as the first post office location as well. R. L. Wilcox was the only station agent because the building burned. The third depot was a shed with a side open on the east end.
Leaving Rinard on Facebook by Ed McCormick
History of Wayne and Clay Counties Illinois, Globe Publishing Co, 183 Lake Street, Chicago, IL, 1884, p. 240
Rinard Map
Rinard Depot
Courtesy of Ed Mccormick
Rinard Depot
Courtesy of Ed Mccormick
Rinard Depot Shed
Courtesy of Ed Mccormick
Doodlebug 352 at Rinard
Courtesy of Ed Mccormick